
Typically, an estate clean-out happens at the death of an occupant but is also common when the former occupant undergoes long term care without plans for returning to the residence. Monty Hauls invests the time and care required in specialty requests such as “forensic searching services.” That may be a search for vital paperwork or seeking specific heirlooms or objects of value, especially for long-distance families. Other circumstances may be directives to remove items of a personal nature protecting the privacy the owners prefer.

Dispersal of household contents may take several forms. Sometime items need distributed to different family members for example. Monty Hauls can offer some strategies to help ease conflict during stressful times. We can coordinate shipping and delivery of items as well. We assist by managing local Facebook listings, garage or yard sales, and estate sales. We also assist with overseeing donation of items or coordinating buyouts by resellers.

We will work with you to make the best decision for the type of liquidation that best matches your needs and time frame.

Whether an executor of an estate, a realtor or a banking institution, we can help coordinate removal of household contents by addressing specific requests and concerns. Monty Hauls’ alliances with other service providers enhances the oversight of tasks related to preparing a home for sale.

Come to Monty Hauls as the single point of contact to coordinating an array of services for lives on the move.

Out Of State Options

  • We can take your directions from afar when it comes to sorting and cleaning according to your wishes.

  • We can pack and arrange for shipping or transport to your designated destination.

  • We can deliver items for donation or arrange other methods of dispersal.

  • We make a plan that works for you.